Mistress of the Horizon - Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Mistress of the Horizon - Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven's artistic production encompasses a diverse range of techniques including painting, drawing, collage, computer animation, installation and zines. Van Kerkhoven synthesizes various visual and textual elements in her work. Her illustrative technique prefers hard edges and flat surfaces in a neon RGB palette, distilling her most common images from the pre-sexual soft porn revolution. She appropriates text from a range of fields of interest, such as philosophy, science, poetry and theology. Her work posits metaphysical reflections on mind, body, universe and perception. The Renaissance Society presents four new series of work, including many new works on paper, an interactive computer animation, and a cohesive series of computer generated prints. The new work will be supplemented with selections from her entire career, and this book was published following this exhibition, which also took place at Mu.ZEE.
Dirk Snauwaert, Hamza Walker, Phillip Van den Bossche, Ludwig Seyfarth, 214p, hard cover, published by Lannoo